Tuesday, 23 Apr 2024


Sunrise : 01.01.1970 01:00   Sunset : 01.01.1970 01:0001:00
Full Moon
Thursday 01.01.1970
0°C from north-northeast
, m/s, , . mm.
Weather from yr.no
Pricing and Terms

Rental prices are per week in GBP/£ sterling and include electricity, water, bed linen and towels. Heating is not included but is available if required at an additional charge of £100 per week.

Cleaning and changes of bed linen is performed weekly but extra cleaning, if required, can be arranged at a charge.  Pool maintenance will take place twice a week.  Patrons are reminded that swimming pools are dangerous for small children and care should be taken to ensure that children in your party do not go to the pool unaccompanied by an adult.

Bookings will usually commence on a Saturday but please inquire for alternative arrangements especially in the off peak season.

Rental periods

Price per week (GBP)

June to September


October to May
