Friday, 19 Apr 2024


Sunrise : 01.01.1970 01:00   Sunset : 01.01.1970 01:0001:00
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Thursday 01.01.1970
0°C from north-northeast
, m/s, , . mm.
Weather from
Booking Conditions


These booking conditions will form part of your holiday contract with us. Please read them carefully.

Making a Booking

Lettings will always commence on a Saturday.  To make inquiries for availability, please e-mail us at  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   and, when we have confirmed its availability, we will require 25% of the rental price as deposit. The balance of the holiday is payable 10 weeks before the start date of your holiday.  If the booking is made within 10 weeks of the start then the total is payable at that time. At the time of payment you will also be invoiced for a breakages deposit of £350.00 per booking which is refundable in whole or in part dependant on any damage caused.

Once we have received your booking form and deposit or full payment we will issue a confirmation invoice. – please check the details on the confirmation carefully, any discrepancy must be notified to us within 7 calendar days of the confirmation date.
The balance of the holiday price is due ten weeks prior to departure, if it is not received when due, we will regard your booking as cancelled and you will be liable for the cancellation charges shown below.


If you wish to alter your booking we will try to make the alteration, subject to a charge of £30 for each alteration made. Cancellation by You If you wish to cancel your holiday entirely you must do so in writing, either by e-mail or regular mail. Cancellation charge Over 60 days 25% 40 – 60 days 50% Less than 40 days 100%